In September 2016, the AIA Dallas leadership commissioned me to help them explore a new brand and visual experience for their quarterly magazine Columns.

The purpose: to establish a new brand and visual system to better represent their organizational goals of creating and engaging their audiences around the topics of architecture, culture and community. After interviews with leadership and audience surveys, I distilled and presented the survey findings to the AIA Dallas Columns editorial board and worked with their team over a period of 3 months to confirm and infuse their mission and values into the magazine's relaunch for their Winter 2017 issue.

I continue to act as the magazine's Design Director, I not only design and illustrate each quarterly issue, but collaborate with the editorial team leads to create more efficient ways to organize and collaborate with Columns contributors, translate content to the web and continue to raise the bar in the quality of the content and presentation.

AIA Dallas Columns magazine won the Honor Award for Excellence in the Promotion of Architecture Through the Media in Honor of John C Flowers Hon AIA, awarded by the Texas Society of Architects in 2017


See all of the AIA Dallas Columns issues at The Columns refresh was revealed in the Winter 2017 issue.