When I was part of the DSVC board from 2009-2011, one of my proudest accomplishments was concepting, designing and leading Field Day in Fall 2009 and Fall 2010. Inspired by the DSVC's annual Chili Cook Off's held years prior (which saw their end in the early 2000's), I proposed a new interagency competition where agencies not only brought their teams to play and challenge each other outside the annuals and award shows, but also used their unapologetic creativity to come up with the Field Day games.
Besides the joy of seeing some of Dallas's design leaders bounce around on blue balls and seeing your colleagues race slip-n-slide-style across a Vaseline smothered tarp, the main goal behind Field Day surfaced from the board's summer retreat: how can we engage members to see DSVC as more than monthly speaker meetings and an annual award show?
With Field Day, we were able to bring full agency teams to prepare for and spend an entire Saturday afternoon together as well as create a space for emerging designers, midlevels, agency owners and design veterans to interact.